Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An unexpected visitor

As if walking into the gardens didn't already make me feel that I have escaped city life for a while, I get to enjoy the beauty of nature in another way...

While bringing some debris to the compost pile near my plot, I turned around to see a surprise visitor! A hawk was perched on a fence post of the plot next to me, about 10 feet away. I carefully rushed back to my plot to grab my camera. However, I did not have to worry about the hawk flying away, as he was enjoying his freshly caught dinner.


Mary Delle LeBeau said...

Great shot of the hawk. They can be really brave when food is on their minds. Gardening Geek as as aspiration is good. It works for me.

Sylvana said...

WOW!! That has got to be one of the best camera catches I have seen.

Toni said...

Wow... how awesome that you had your camera handy!! Great photo!