Monday, October 19, 2009

Caring & Preparing

I continue to care for my last remaining crops that are still growing...mache, peppers, bush beans, scallions, cabbage and celery.

mache; Mandarin Peppers (unripe)

Here is an updated shot of my plot. I now have two of my 'boxes' covered since we have had many nights in the 30's, frost watches and snow. Unfortunately, I ran out of odds and ends to weigh down the plastic, so the middle box is on its own for now!

In preparation for garlic planting I cleared and created a spot in my recent addition. I still have to order my garlic so I will be limited to what is still in stock. However, I am hoping for a hard-neck variety at least. I have searched Johnny's, Seeds of Change and The Garlic Store. I definitely need to plant soon though-especially if the temps are going to stay below average!

On a final note, I just checked Eliot Coleman's Four Season Harvest out of the library. I hope to have a 'review' soon!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Curious about growing garlic and shallots. Ever though of growing both in the same bed? Both have a long harvest season. Keep us posted on the garlic.